Thursday, March 18, 2010

One Week, Twice the Fun

Now a week old, Bromley's pups continue their exponential (it seems!) growth. Each has doubled in size and weight, from about 16 oz. at birth to rotund, squirmy puppy tipping the scales at two pounds or more. They undergo interesting changes even in the first week of life. Little pink footpads and muzzles have turned black, and little ear flaps extend to twice their original size. Mother's rich milk is constantly in demand leading to plump and blind 'slugs' whose noses work like magnets to find their next meal. Of course, this means Bromley's fuel tank is always in need of filling: her mealtime has gone from a normal twice daily feeding to five or more meals per day. We even supplement those with added ingredients like fresh eggs and cottage cheese. The eggs, straight from our chickens, can be added raw; even the crushed shells can be consumed (an excellent source of calcium). Even with all the extra calories it will be weeks before Bromley's weight returns to previous levels.

Voracious appetites by mother and puppies is normal. Sadly, one of the puppies (Peony) had an apparent birth defect and could not adequately take up food, even when we tried to feed by hand, and it passed away on Day 2. Such occurrences are not uncommon and help explain why dogs have rather large litters. Fortunately, the remaining three girls and three boys appear to be healthy and are developing normally.

We'll post some new pictures in the days ahead; around Day 14 the puppies eyes will open and they'll take their first steps. In the meantime, pictures of 'slugs' just aren't that exciting!

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