Today, was FIRST SHOTS and EXAM day. All nine pups were loaded into the crate and made their way to Madison Vetinerinary Hospital with little fanfare. They promptly fell asleep upon arrival. What a mellow bunch! 'Smugglers Notch' was the first to be examined and she slept through the entire exam. Dr. Ouellette assured us she had a heartbeat--and all was well with her, and with her eight siblings. Not a peep out of any of them. A few were content to stand (even on the COLD stainless steel exam table) but several just snoozed. The Doc said he'd never seen anything like it.

Of course, to be fair, it has been a rather long day for them. We've had a couple of visitors today and the pups got lots of playtime with them. They'll sleep well tonight for sure.
As for their shot, they got a dose of Duramune Max (DA2P-P), an innoculation against three viruses that afflict dogs. The series of three shots, administered about 3-4 weeks apart, will boost immunity that until now has been provided through mother's milk. Otherwise, over the course of the next 20 weeks their immunity would gradually disappear.
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